Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Note to stupid people – a 30 year old man fucking a 13 year old girl isn’t the girl “acting out”, its child abuse (and statutory rape).

Via Feministe…has everyone seen this story about a mother who forcibly pierced her daughter’s genitalia in an attempt to stop her from having sex? She also shaved her head, apparently in the hopes of making her less attractive to men (like, say, Mom’s creepy child abusing boyfriend).
How is this woman not in jail? Yeah, I know, we’re not supposed to criticize mothers, blah blah…but she HELD HER CHILD DOWN AND HAD HER GENITALS PIERCED WITH THE INTENTION OF MAKING IT SO THAT SHE WOULD BE IN TOO MUCH PAIN TO HAVE SEX. All the commenters saying that that’s not punishment…hello? Deliberately inflicting pain on your kid isn’t punishment? In what alternate universe is this, exactly?
As if that wasn’t horrifying enough, check out the comments from the jury foreman. Apparently being sexually abused by your almost-stepfather now counts as teenage misbehavior and the poor mom just had to stop her crazy out of control kid…by sticking sharp things through her genitalia.
What the fuck is wrong with people in this country? I mean OK, I know the USA was settled (actually invaded and colonized if we’re being accurate) by puritans, but that was hundreds of years ago – haven’t we moved on intellectually even a teeny bit? Do we really still think that little girls should be punished for the crime of having sex? Seriously? Even if said little girls were too young to legally give consent? And we also still think that parents own their children and can do anything they want to them?
I swear, there are days when I despair of people ever dragging their minds out of the Dark Ages. Grown men fucking children – BAD. Deliberately inflicting injury on your child – BAD. Jury deciding that being abused is the kid’s fault for being wild – ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT?


Miss Thrillz said...

Holy shit,

What idiot piercer works on minors regardless of parental consent anyway?

I cannot fathom how that girl did not get taken away by CPS.

I can see the mother wanting to blame the daughter instead of the boyfriend, because sadly that kind of stuff probably happens all the time...but how in the hell did the court side with this idiot?

Man, if I was married again and I had a daughter and I found out he was sleeping with her you'd have to come visit my ass in jail because they'd be writing Law and Order episodes about the murder scene they found when I was done with him.

Cassandra Says said...

If you look at the Feministe article it seems that the kid was eventually taken away from the mother after the piercing got infected and that got CPS involved. Which is pretty scary - what would have happened if the piercing had healed properly? Would anyone have ever realised there was something bad going on with this kid?

That's what really freaked me out, the idea that kids are property and therefore no-one should interfere, because that attitude is exactly what leads to parents getting away with shit like this.

And yeah, if I had a kid and found out that my SO had been sleeping with her it wouldn't be her I would be mad at, it would be him.

belledame222 said...

That's what really freaked me out, the idea that kids are property and therefore no-one should interfere, because that attitude is exactly what leads to parents getting away with shit like this.