Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hanukkah or Eid, Merry Festivus…

Just a quick post to wish everyone a happy holiday season. Whatever holiday you happen to celebrate, even if it’s only “yay, I get the day off work!”, I hope it’s a good one.

Also, why do I associate Elvis with Christmas? Is this the fault of my parents for always making me watch TV? And if so, why does, say, It’s a Wonderful Life hold no appeal? Last night I watched The Hogfather, which was SO much more fun than most holiday movies, and today I was cleaning out my hard drive and came across the following punk Elvis cover, which for some reason felt completely holiday-appropriate to me.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

1 comment:

thene said...

-Merry Festimas to you too!

-<3 Hogfather. Really hope Sky films Thief Of Time someday.