Monday, March 19, 2007

About that whole celebration of female desire thing...

Let's start with the sidebar, shall we? Because I'm lazy, and I don't have another full post ready yet.
Now, as you may have surmised, the pictures on my sidebar are not pictures of me, what with them lacking breasts and all. They're usually pictures of men I find really, really hot. There are many reasons for this - first, since it's my blog I look at it fairly often, why not have something I enjoy looking at? Secondly, because I very much dislike the theory that the gaze is male (more on that later). Thirdly, because I think that the idea that women don't look is inextricably tied up with a lot of other unsavory ideas about women's sexuality, most notably the idea that we don't really have one other than as it relates to keeping men happy.
So, look out for more lust objects on the sideboard. They should make Zan and Scarlet Pervygirl happy at least.
Today's pretty boy is Die, by the way. Plays guitar in Dir en grey. And you know what they say about men with great hands...

And if anyone else wanted to post some pics of their own personal lust objects I personally would rather enjoy that...


Trinity said...

"I very much dislike the theory that the gaze is male (more on that later)."

Please do. I'm very visual (and quite like porn, which I went through a whole shame-fest over a while ago... I thought I was changing and not liking it due to newfound feminist values, but being more honest with myself I was just ashamed and wanted to be "kinder" to women) so I've always found the gaze theories really weird.

Cassandra Says said...

Trin - I'm going to, trust me. I'm hoping to get people talking about what women want, what turns us on, because it's amazing how little you hear about that. Even amongst women who identify as sex-positive most of what I read is still about the men. What about what WE like?

Renegade Evolution said...

CS: i am all over this, I shall carry this theme to my blog and enjoy in the wonder of female desire week and the posting of menz I find to be teh hot (and GAZE upon!!!)

Cassandra Says said...

REn - Since I've seen you do it, how do you get pics to show up in the actual body of your post? I don't do there a simple way? Because I was thinking of doing a Top Ten Lust Objects...

Renegade Evolution said...


when creating a post t here should be, on the top bar, a picture that looks, well, like a that and it will give the option to upload a photo from your pc or link a url...if you are uploading, search and upload, if you are linking, right click the photo, copy the "properties" information, and paste it in the url site section, then save the option...also, I usually put the photo up first then write the text around it, seems to work better that way. and my first desire week post is up :)

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I'm not very visual - but not because I need weeping commitment or anything - but because I'm a sniffer. Yessss, Precious. Since I cannot smell the men in pictures they don't tend to turn me on. This means that I end up goin' for the personality or artistic merit of my celebrity personalities. (Except for the Mac commericial guy.) Maybe I'm getting more visual in my old age.

Rootietoot said...

my personal lust objects are at
For the sake of certain marital sensibilities I keep them elsewhere. Tho certain marital sensibilities fall squarely within the realm of those pictures.

Zan said...

Pix of gorgeous, yummy men? Cassandra, I love you!

And, of course,I will happily compile a list of yummy, yummy, I want them NOW! men to share with you. And I'll get on that post about what /I/ like too. Yepyep.

Cassandra Says said...

Zan - Do it! I need my fix, dammit.
I just put up a HUGE pic post.

Trinity said...

"I'm hoping to get people talking about what women want, what turns us on, because it's amazing how little you hear about that. Even amongst women who identify as sex-positive most of what I read is still about the men. What about what WE like?"

I just posted:

(warning to the squeamish: very BDSM-y, naughty words, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Sadly,if Die is always drunk ,his hands ,and maybe other stuff ...go to waste I would guess ...
too bad

Cassandra Says said...

Trin - I'm about to go take a look!
Anon - The drinking does seem to be getting out of hand, doesn't it? In San Francisco the bags under his eyes were packed and ready to go for sure. He looked alarmingly older than everyone else..
BTW, how do you know who he is? I didn't think we had any other DEG fans here.

Trinity said...


Only one person who isn't even a part of this project even responded, and that has me a bit more disheartened than I'd like to admit. Perhaps I'm just that strange -- or perhaps people just wanted pictures *that* badly, I dunno.